We will be updating this site over the next few weeks.  We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please contact the Town Clerk for information



Drinking Water Services


The Town of Crawford has created four drinking water strategy goals to determine and improve water quality. They are:

  1. Address contaminants as groups rather than one at a time so that enhancement of drinking water protection can be achieved cost-effectively by performing regular testing at different locations in Town.
  2. Meet or exceed all Federal and State regulations
  3. Meet or exceed all Federal and State testing requirements
  4. Enable consumers to obtain timely information about the quality of drinking water and the performance of their public water systems in meeting drinking water standards.


The drinking water utility is planning to apply for a grant to fund needed infrastructure. 

Construction is planned to start: TBD. 

Construction is planned to be completed: TBD.

Steering Committee

The Town of Crawford values a clean, high quality drinking water supply and decided to work collaboratively with area stakeholders to develop a Source Water Protection Plan (SWPP) to protect the spring that serves as their source of drinking water. During the months of July 2012 to November 2012, four stakeholder meetings were held in Crawford, Colorado and one field tour was conducted to encourage local public participation. The planning process attracted interest and participation from 26 people within the community including local citizens, local and federal governmental agencies and water operators. This group comprised the Town of Crawford Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee initially reviewed the Source Water Assessment completed by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. The Assessment included the delineation of a source water protection area, potential sources of contaminants, and the susceptibility of these contaminants to degrade the water source. The delineated source water protection area defines the region where the Steering Committee has chosen to implement their source water protection measures to reduce source water susceptibility to contamination.

To develop their management approach, the Steering Committee focused on the following issues of concern within the Source Water Protection Area: wildfires, illegal off-road vehicle use, resource development, domestic animals, wildlife and vandalism/accidents.

The Steering Committee reviewed and discussed several possible management approaches that could be implemented within the protection area to help reduce the risks of potential contamination to the community source water. Voluntary implementation of source water management approaches at the local level applies an additional level of protection to the drinking water supply by taking preventive measures to protect the source water. The Steering Committee established a common sense approach in identifying and selecting the most feasible source water management activities to implement locally. These management practices included in this Plan are recommended by the Steering Committee to reduce the risks of potential contaminants to the Source Water Protection Area and protect the drinking water sources for the customers of the Town of Crawford.  At the completion of this plan, the Steering Committee will oversee implementation.

More Information

Crawford's water has exceeded all standards for many years. Crawford has great water. Below are current links to resolutions in effect for water rates and the most current Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), which includes results of all annual water testing required by the State of Colorado and the EPA.