Annual Budget
In cooperation with the Board of Trustees, the Town Administrator prepares a proposed budget annually and submits it to the Board. The Administrator prepares and budgets Town funds: prepares and provides forms showing actual budget information from previous year, estimated current year, and projected future year. Information is compiled from department heads to budget for the department needs for the future year. The Town's annual budget process begins in August. During the course of several work sessions, it is determined what types of projects will be committed to the following year. The Town Council makes those decisions based on need and funding. In December, the proposed budget is posted and the public is invited to hearings to voice their opinion.
Input is taken from the Public, and Town Staff. A final draft budget is required by October 15. To begin the process, the Delta County assessor's office submits to the Town a draft Certification of Value to determine property tax assessments. The final Certification of values is not sent out until December. Public hearings are not scheduled until after this certification is received. After the hearings, the mill levy is set and the budget is certified to the State of Colorado. A mill levy is the tax rate that is applied to the assessed property value. The current mill levy for the Town of Crawford is 2.420 mills.
Below is the proposed budget for 2024